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Drawing Conversion
Many businesses are now starting to take advantage of the latest software innovations out there when it comes to design. While 2D design has proven to be the most feasible solution for many years, businesses are now beginning to see the benefits of 3D CAD modelling. This modern approach will transform the design process and the way in which businesses operate and it will also enhance precision and production.
3D design brings any design to life but for many businesses, a lot of their designs will be in paper form or 2D form. However, they don’t have to remain that way as we have the ideal CAD design service that can take your paper drawings and 2D drawings and convert them into native 3D CAD models including IGES, STEP, STL and Parasolid.

2d to 3d drawing conversion

drawing conversion detail

drawing conversion 3d cad 2

2d to 3d drawing conversion
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